Frequently Asked Questions
Before contacting us, please make sure you read through these commonly asked questions:
General - FAQ
At this moment, we make gauge faces, license plate frames, tail lights, bodykits, and other general automotive engineering consulting. We also make clear tail light lenses and event awards.
Shipping - FAQ
All orders come with a tracking number but the tracking information is not always updated accurately. International orders can take over 2 weeks and often will not have any tracking information available once the package leaves the country. For more information regarding international orders that have left the US, please contact your local shipping provider. If you have any questions or issues with your package, email us at
Custom Gauge Face - FAQ
If you have a custom design for your gauge face, shoot us an email at and we will set you up and provide more information.
All of our custom gauge faces are made one at a time in the order that the orders are placed.. Due to the amount of orders we get, please allow 1-3 weeks for your order to be made and shipped out.
General D.I.Y. Kit - FAQ
Tail light kits are do-it-yourself assembly kits that the professionals use, but sans labor to save you cost and give you an opportunity to learn. Tutorials are available on our website and also Due to the amount of orders we get, please allow 1-3 weeks for your order to be made and shipped out.
Custom Panels for D.I.Y. Kit - FAQ
If you have a custom design for your DIY kit, shoot us an email at and we will set you up and provide more information.
Custom Clear Lenses - FAQ
At this time, we are not taking any requests for clear lenses unless there is a minimum of 15 interested buyers ready to put a $300 deposit for a group buy. Turnaround is a minimum of 2-3 months and final cost can range from $300-$500 for a full set of lenses (deposit goes towards final cost). Email us at if you have met these requirements and are interested.
Custom Bodykits - FAQ
Please email us at for any custom bodykit/scanning/consulting services. These projects are billed hourly and can run anywhere from $2000 for a single bumper to $10,000-$20,000 for a full widebody kit.
Custom Complete Tail Light Builds - FAQ
At this time, we are no longer doing complete tail light builds in-house any longer. We have a great network of builders who are familiar with assembling our kits, and they are tagged in our IG and FB posts. Feel free to reach out to them for pricing and other information regarding full builds.